Emails left to right: 2007, 2008, 2010

Examples of the marketing emails created for Dunkin'. The DD Perks emails changed to DD UpDDate in 2012 to differentiate it from the rewards/loyalty program.

Rapid=response emails for trigger sends like weather or special limited-time offers.

Dedicated Emails: Whether it was for a new product, holiday, or to create awareness about a social media promotion, dedicated emails were designed without the use of a template. This allowed for more creativity and a higher impact in the customer's inbox.

DD Perks Rewards, Dunkin's loyalty program was initially centered around email and had its series of templated dynamic emails, plus website content, direct mailers, and, eventually, a mobile app.

When customers sign up for DD Perks Rewards, they receive physical coupons for a free medium beverage and another on their birthday. We created the DM piece they received and other direct mail pieces to get pre-registered DD Cards in customers' hands to grow the program.

Dunkin' was looking for a way to differentiate between its various communications. The DD Perks Redesign was an exploration of ways to do so. This included looking at logos, DD Card designs, packaging, in-store signage, and more. During the exploration,

I developed other extensions to create awareness and help grow the database through a Perks Day, Refer A Friend app on Facebook, and using partnerships that the brand already had (such as JetBlue and American Express.)